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    Ärzte ohne Grenzen Jahresbericht 2017

    Jahresbericht 2017

    Projektbeispiele, Finanzierung, Struktur - im Jahresbericht 2017 erfahren Sie alles über unsere Arbeit, die wir im letzten Jahr geleistet haben. Hier können Sie ihn komplett als PDF downloaden.

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    Framework for Responsible Behaviour
    22. 02. 2008

    Framework for Responsible Behaviour

    "As staff and volunteers of MSF-OCA, our behaviour and actions are defined by the beliefs, values and principles of the organisation. We demonstrate this in our respect for all individuals and communities with whom we work. We hold each other accountable for our behaviour accordingly, and when we identify unacceptable behaviour or malpractice in the organisation, we address it."

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    Ärzte ohne Grenzen Spendermagazin AKUT
    11. 04. 2018

    AKUT Ausgabe 1 / 2018

    In Ausgabe 1 / 2018 unseres Spendermagazins AKUT informieren wir u.a. über die Situation der geflüchteten Rohingyas in Bangladesch, über unsere Frauenklinik in Honduras, sowie über den Einsatz in Äthiopien

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    Frontpage Briefing Paper - Two years EU-Turkey deal

    Briefing Paper - Two years anniversary of the EU-Turkey deal

    As arrivals increase and violence erupts on Lesvos, MSF calls on Greek and European authorities to end the policy of containment that is endangering vulnerable people’s lives

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    Titelbild: Myanmar, Rohingya Report März 2018
    19. 03. 2018

    "No one was left" - Death and Violence Against the Rohingya in Rakhine State, Myanmar

    Since 25 August, a number of patients from different areas of Rakhine State have shared with MSF accounts of widespread
    violence targeting Rohingya, including raids on houses and villages, random and indiscriminate shootings, the deaths
    of relatives or neighbours after being shot or stabbed, dead bodies littering their escape route, widespread destruction
    and sexual violence.

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    Titelbild Report: Out of Sight
    01. 02. 2018

    Out of Sight

    This report is a follow-up to the research contained in "Out of Sight" - Asylum seekers and refugees in Italy: informal settlements and social marginalisation. It is the result of constant monitoring activities carried out in 2016 and 2017 by way of repeated field visits and in collaboration with an extensive network of local associations.

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    Titelbild: Bericht Harmful Borders
    01. 02. 2018

    Harmful Borders

    An analysis of the daily struggles of migrants as they attempt to leave Ventimiglia for northern Europe

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    Ärzte ohne Grenzen East Daraa, Syria first follow-up assessment
    01. 05. 2017

    East Daraa, Syria first follow-up assessment

    As the Syria crisis enters its seventh year, people continue to suffer the consequences of a conflict that has caused destruction and devastation with complete disregard for human life. The objectives of the Eastern Daraa First Follow-up Assessment, conducted in all study settings with the participation of all respondents, aimed to answer questions like what are the current critical health needs in Daraa and what is the mortality rate.