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    21. 04. 2016

    AKUT Ausgabe 1 /2016

    u.a.: Tansania: "Jeden Tag kommen neue Flüchtlinge" / Nigeria: Ein neues Leben / Testamentsspende: "Ein gutes Gefühl"

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    HIV Report Westafrika Zentralafrika
    20. 04. 2016

    Out Of Focus - How Millions Of People In West & Central Africa Are Being Left Out Of The Global HIV Response

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    22. 03. 2016

    DR-TB Drugs Under the Microscope: Sources and Prices for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Medicines - 4th edition

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    01. 03. 2016

    Return to Abuser - Gaps in Services and a Failure to protect Survivors of Family and sexual Violence in Papua New Guinea

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    Cover Report Syria 2015: Documenting war‐wounded and war‐dead
    08. 02. 2016

    Syria 2015: Documenting war‐wounded and war‐dead in MSF‐supported medical facilities in Syria

    This report aims to present a documented analysis of the medical and humanitarian consequences of the intensification of the military campaign in 2015, based on medical reports and data from 70 clinics and hospitals in Syria supported by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
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    30. 12. 2015

    Obstacle Course to Europe: A policy-made humanitarian crisis at EU borders

    • The European Union’s Asylum framework and Policies

    • The Obstacle course to Europe

    1. Flight
    2. Cross ing the Sea
    3. Arriving in Greece and Italy
    4. Transiting from South to North

    • A dramatic European failure to respond to the crisis

    • Conclusion : A urgent call for change

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    01. 12. 2015

    Empty shelves - Come back tomorrow - ARV Stockouts Undermine Efforts to Fight HIV